Dr. Franklin’s Island
by Ann Halam
Dell Laurel-Leaf, New York 2002
Genetic engineering makes some people nervous. What really happens when you alter the DNA of plants and animals? Is that tomato, altered to be extra red and juicy, safe to eat? How about a cow injected with growth hormones so she can produce more milk – is her milk safe to drink? That’s just the beginning. What about cloning body parts or people, or combining the DNA of two different animals to create a new animal?
Of course there are rules about how far scientists can ethically go in their genetic manipulations. Unfortunately for Semi, Miranda, and Arnie, Dr. Franklin doesn’t follow those rules. The three Planet Savers contest winners are the only survivors of a horrific plane crash off the coast of Dr. Franklin’s island. No one knows where they are, no one even thinks they could still be alive. Dr. Franklin can do whatever he wants to them. And he does.
Bottom Line:
The way-out-there scientific possibilities gave me the heebie-jeebies; be prepared to think about this one for a while after you read it.